Luke Bryan relaunches his Farm Tour tonight (Tuesday, September 28). The concept of playing in small, rural towns is not a new idea for Luke; he actually did these kinds of shows prior to moving to Nashville and securing a record deal.

"The Farm Tour was something that I used to do on a tiny scale back when I was in school at Georgia Southern, and we'd go set up under a tractor barn. I did that for years," Luke tells The Boot. "When I moved to Nashville, I said if I ever find the opportunity to just find some cool locations out in the country, set up in a field and just make a big old party and bring something to a small town that wouldn't necessarily get it otherwise, I always wanted to do that. So, we did a little bit of it last year and paired up with my record release, which it worked way better than we expected, [and] it was fun. We added four more dates, and if they go great, then we'll pick some more cities."

Luke is definitely looking ahead to doing just that, saying, "Nothing would make me happier than in four or five years to have 20 or 30 of these Farm Tour shows from Georgia to somewhere in Indiana to wherever it seems like the place to take it and keep those going. And who knows where they can go? And just try to grow it and have fun with it and to celebrate the rural life and live in a small town."

This week, Luke takes his Farm Tour to Valdosta, Ga., on Tuesday, September 28, followed by shows in Statesboro, Ga., on Wednesday, Carrollton, Ga., on Thursday and Macon, Ga., on Friday.

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